Monday, December 19, 2011

Ring In the New Year with Kettlebells!

New Year's Day Kettlebell Lift! @ Body Balance Health and Fitness  2747 Iris Ave, Boulder, CO
Sunday, January 1st  12 noon - 1:30 pm
All kettlebell lifters (current and those on leave) are invited to this event as my holiday gift to you!

A one-hour set! We will start warm-up at 12 noon, kick-off the hour-long set at 12:15 pm, and cool-down/recover for the remainder of our time.

Long Cycle is the preferred lift of hour + sets, but it's a great opportunity to practice any kettlebell moves for the duration. There are no rules, just keep a weight in hand as long as you can. Feel free to join for any amount of time, work on your lifts and sweat with fellow Kettlebells lifters to start 2012. 

If you are new to kettlebells, please contact me asap to determine a reasonable goal for your current level of conditioning. Join in the warm-up and lift for as long as you want. Much can be learned from watching!

All participants please be ready for the mobility/warm-up at noon.
Please eat breakfast and be well-hydrated before arriving.
I look forward to seeing you there!

IKFF Certified Kettlebell Teacher (CKT) Level 1:
Lakewood, CO, Feb. 24 - 26th, 2012
Special Price for friends of Kettlebell Fitness! 
Coach Blackburn has offered my students and friends an excellent price for CKT certification and to audit the Level 1 workshop:

Level 1 Certification - $700 (with two-payment plan available). Link to payment
Audit Level 1 with no certification - $300. Link to payment

I cannot emphasize enough the amazing training methodology Ken Blackburn offers. His workshop will shoot your training to the next level.
For anyone who wants to re-certify with new and improved skills, this is what you're looking for!

Best wishes to all for a safe and blessed holiday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Now What?

Almost Winter, between holidays, competitive season is at a lull, so Now What?
If you should find yourself in the place between seasons, or just don't know how to deal with the holidays, I would like to suggest the following food for thought:

Decide to rest (or not to rest) After the hard push at the end of a sport season, our bodies need rest to recover. Allowing the muscular and adrenal systems to recoup fully will assist in a fresh start to the next training cycle. This does not mean stop moving. Simply cut back workout intensity, practice "fun sports," and GPP (general physical preparedness) programs.

Decide when and how to exercise If all the shopping and holiday parties are interfering with your exercise routine, be okay with it. Maybe winter sports will take the place of gym time. Plan ahead and supplement the routine that supports your health and fitness goals, then just enjoy the season!

Communicate with classmates and workout partners Simple as it seems, letting others know our holiday plans helps us stick with the program. If you need a buddy to motivate you, ask!

Maintain a daily food intake schedule Many wellness advocates recommend miniature fasts as a method to support complete digestion and manage a natural body weight. To the extreme, make your latest meal at 3 pm! More realistic, don't eat after 6 pm. Your body will rest more fully on an empty stomach.

Be okay with not being in peak condition for the season If that's what will work best for your peace of mind. Enjoy yourself!

Wishing everyone a wonderful month!